En complément pour un descriptif en texte

New Tertiary Weapon (Support): a Chemical Gas-Thrower, designated as "TX-41 Sterilizer" for soft-target crowd control and released. The weapon will spray chemical gas onto the enemy and, like most of the new content in this pass, will be better used for crowd-control purposes. It's unclear, but the chemical gas should act just like the Orbital Gas Strike that already exists in the game, therefore these new weapons may cause Damage-Over-Time;
New Secondary: a Healing Pistol, designated as "P-11 Stim Pistol" will be added. Unlike most of the content of this pass, this is the only non-lethal weapon and instead acts more as utility. Just as it says on the tin, the pistol will shoot healing darts at friendlies to heal them, may even heal enemies. It's not specific if the Healing Pistol will adopt passives from other effects, thus making it more powerful. The weapon sounds like a good idea, but recently new content for Helldivers 2 hasn't been all that efficient, despite them being interesting as a concept.
New Armours and Armour Perk: new light and medium amours will come in the pass and both will don the "Advanced Filtration" perk, reducing toxic gas damage to the player;
New Throwable: a Gas Grenade, named "G-4 Gas", will be added;
New Drone: an Acid-Thrower Robotic Companion Drone that is deployed, designated as AX/TX-13 "Guard Dog" Dog Breath;
Various New Cosmetics.
A noter aussi qu'en principe, demain le 17/09, il y aura un GROS patch de rééquilibrage par rapport aux nombreux nerfs qui ont été fait sur les armes incendiaires et certaines armes de support (dont le railgun)
Une grosse semaine a venir du coup